In that moment of mutal recogntion of shred affection

Are you no more than a self-tittillation? Are the twinkle in the eyes and creases at the corners of the lips that reflect joy a delusion? But where are the words and will that would affirm those physical gestures and confirm these observations?
I'm sure you know the excitement and the pleasure of the intimate caress and embrace, or the touch of the hand on another's or the universal pleasure of lips meeting and the taste of mouths joining in ardorous rapture.
Is it for that spontaneity or is it a bait and switch for wanting a commitment built on an unknown and presumptive premise-any two "good" persons should have few reasons for NOT falling in love for ever and ever.
We don't know about tomorrow, but we know about this minute.How this minute extends into tomorrow and the interminable future has as much to do with our past and the unpredictability of future events, than either of our bests intentions. The coincidence of our fortuitous meeting comes on the tail-winds of our pasts. As much as we would not mind to holding our past into some time-warp suspension, so we could celebrate every aspect and possibility of spontaneity that exists in eager anticipation between us, we know the limits of the best honest resolve. Yet we'd put dishonest expectations for consummations of that desired suspension and nullification of our present constraints.
Because we can not go past those constraints we avoid the facts in fear of a seductive, temptation that would lead us down a slippey slope of uncontrollable passion that would take us into dramas unknown and undesired.
Yet, why not an unpretentious friendship? Why not have a shared affectionate cooperation? Why not realize that the physical space in which we can operate together is frustratingly limited, but we can mve beyond our secular roles and give expressions that affirmthe goodwill and intent that exists in such joyous acuity between us.
The acuity's intensity approaches in equality what we have formally given in vows to others. Inthis informal and de facto state of espousal we must be partner friends who desire more than the possession that we accepted in our previous vows. This nonverbal vow which exists between us is a friendship to the being of eachother's soul. It is a "thank you" for you beingwho you are. This thanks is not contingent on you being part of my bed or domicile, but you being the honest, consistent reality which you have projected so sublimely to me in this sweet perception of you.


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