
Showing posts from 2018
The pathos of our vitality Video version:!Aik6CvaAE1b8jFh1YLVOy0eqKnq1 If you’ve ever wondered why two people are together, or why a person has acted in the way that they do; I think that in both cases,  they engage those kind of pathos because it brings them to a learned,  conscious vitalizing experience, or from what we’ve heard of the Freudian  experiences in our development. I came to this conviction at the conclusion of my final dream I had. It was  about a meeting with an old flame, whose presence was represented by a  similar looking avatar-like substitute, and her present family, who were avatars  themselves of people not in anyway connected or relevant to the real,  non-in-the-dream subjects (which brings up a related question of where  those anonymous and unrelatable persons came from for their roles in my  dream!) As I reflected on why I had this dream, it was because  of...

'Beyond grasping-possessiveness and consumption' - Classified Ad

'Beyond grasping-possessiveness and consumption'

'From the physics of kinetics to the metaphysics of serendipity' - Classified Ad

'From the physics of kinetics to the metaphysics of serendipity'  From the mechanics of physics to the intangibles of metaphysics

Aesthetic of the Bifurcated Psyche - Classified Ad

Aesthetic of the Bifurcated Psyche  Death of a Salesman, L'Etranger, and The Lonely Crowd all spoke  about the bifurcated psyche's aesthetics

'Evolving Mantras of Meaning'

Mind is an ever-changing plastic mold in a surreal, meta-morphing flow which we may influence by our proactive engagement with its manifestations it presents to our consciousness from the subconscious and unconscious depths of its associative processing..