The pathos of our vitality

If you’ve ever wondered why two people are together,
or why a person has acted in the way that they do; I think that in both cases, 
they engage those kind of pathos because it brings them to a learned, 
conscious vitalizing experience, or from what we’ve heard of the Freudian 
experiences in our development.

I came to this conviction at the conclusion of my final dream I had. It was 
about a meeting with an old flame, whose presence was represented by a 
similar looking avatar-like substitute, and her present family, who were avatars 
themselves of people not in anyway connected or relevant to the real, 
non-in-the-dream subjects (which brings up a related question of where 
those anonymous and unrelatable persons came from for their roles in my 

As I reflected on why I had this dream, it was because  of not only the 
nostalgic sentiments, but the particular intensity of those sentiments 
which affected me cognitively. This observation made me more aware of 
how that which acutely enlivens our senses-for better or worse-becomes 
a template for our ongoing long-term, as well as short-term behaviors.

In many important ways what we do to compensate for not having a close 
approximate replications of that experience can be seen in the activities 
we end up pursuing which bring us a sense of fulfillment towards those 
cognitive and acute, emotional reference points of those past experiences.

Those past experiences resonated as self-identifiers for what we were 
and may still have a longing to be to what we ARE in the present. 
Some of those desires and aspirations maybe seen, socially, as 
regressive. I would say from a subjective phenomenology point of view 
that those feelings are orienting ‘pole-stars’ for our self-affirmation of what 
IS our essence as an object to ourselves. Our dreams, plus our conscious 
impulses are those past resonating emotional echoes getting to have their 

In our reductive, secular environment which represses and dismisses 
aspects that do not serve the social structure’s purpose, there is the 
contending tension of repressive sublimation to adapt to the social 
environment, and the contrarian-to-outlaw resistance to the nullification 
of the circumscribing paradigms of society.

In ways, the traditionally perceived artists set the abstract 
counter-point of extension to those proscriptive thought and 
behavioral mores of society, and the elan of artists give the 
asymmetric rebel “artists” their inspiration that they-too can exist 
beyond the bounds and thus directly aspire to that vitality which 
has only the indirect manifestations by second or third hand 
engagement and cognizance of the visceral moments of vitality.

Thus, we see the pathos for which playwrights over the ages 
 have narrated and the mundane to extreme micro-dramas in which we find ourselves 
as the expressions to bringing  that vitality of being, which is in many 
ways the true reality of that absolute state of freedom, to our attention 
as the reminder of the purpose for why we do what we do.
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