
Showing posts from March, 2019

the ZEN of being

                                                Epilogue-Foreword to this piece the ZEN of being Even with the zen-to-be, we exist in both a physical kinetic state and a psychological state  of a de facto, palliative-hospice condition. In that we would be in a co-medicated dependency of sentimentality with each other that serves as a stop-gap analgesic drug for a consensually tolerated personal and social abuse. That emotional analgesic provides a cognitive coping mechanism. Without that coping mechanism provided by the distractive aesthetics derived from those analgesics of sentimentality, we'd have no substantive substitute of meaning. Those surrogates  fill the void of our neutered self-empowerment. Without those surrogates, we would succ...

Are we the descendants of an exploded planet..??

Are we the descendants of an exploded planet.. (full texts->Files I & II)     =============== Your donations of appreciation for this work will be gratittudinously  accepted at this link