the ZEN of being
Epilogue-Foreword to this piece
of a de facto, palliative-hospice condition. In that we would be in a co-medicated dependency of sentimentality with each other that serves as a stop-gap analgesic drug for a consensually tolerated personal and social abuse. That emotional analgesic provides a cognitive coping mechanism. Without that coping mechanism provided by the distractive aesthetics derived from those analgesics of sentimentality, we'd have no substantive substitute of meaning. Those surrogates fill the void of our neutered self-empowerment. Without those surrogates, we would succumb to a morbidity of despairing to nihilistic fatalism, that is anecdotally recognizable in our present social environment
The "zen of being" is our nickel-n-diming scavenging for those pieces of aesthetic vitality as
'shot in the arm fix' of a bridge for meaningfulness to push or pull us through our various trappings of materiality. In this materiality, we have given a validation to the banal expressions as a justification of our means for our own and our civilization's presence in this system of existence.
Bonus Zen-to-Be escapism-ANYWAYS!!:
the ZEN of being
Even with the zen-to-be, we exist in both a physical kinetic state and a psychological state of a de facto, palliative-hospice condition. In that we would be in a co-medicated dependency of sentimentality with each other that serves as a stop-gap analgesic drug for a consensually tolerated personal and social abuse. That emotional analgesic provides a cognitive coping mechanism. Without that coping mechanism provided by the distractive aesthetics derived from those analgesics of sentimentality, we'd have no substantive substitute of meaning. Those surrogates fill the void of our neutered self-empowerment. Without those surrogates, we would succumb to a morbidity of despairing to nihilistic fatalism, that is anecdotally recognizable in our present social environment
The "zen of being" is our nickel-n-diming scavenging for those pieces of aesthetic vitality as
'shot in the arm fix' of a bridge for meaningfulness to push or pull us through our various trappings of materiality. In this materiality, we have given a validation to the banal expressions as a justification of our means for our own and our civilization's presence in this system of existence.
Bonus Zen-to-Be escapism-ANYWAYS!!:
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