A generational dispute playing out...
A generational dispute playing out in your public rhetoric.. Having lived amongst the spectrum of women of your mother's generation, the panorama of the spectrum of possibilities is as mind-numbing as one of my favorite literary protagonist, Arjuna, in the Bhagavad Gita found himself at the spectacle of the divinity of His Lord, Krishna. Yet I see you more as the theologians describe Lucifer, the pejorative 'Satan the ingrate Angel'. Separating yourself from the shadow of 'maternalistic divinity' of rhetorical dominance in a Newtonian opposite reaction with as many as manifestations that were described in the 'Gita' of Arjuna's vision of Krishna. You live as if you're a de facto demi-god who subconsciously, if not consciously strikes out at all those reminders of the Maternal Over-Goddess who's still living rent-free in your pushing the buttons to your psyche's present motivation. Plus in disdain of any reminder of those ...