A generational dispute playing out...
A generational dispute playing out in your public rhetoric..
Having lived amongst the spectrum of women of your mother's generation,
the panorama of the spectrum of possibilities is as mind-numbing as one
of my favorite literary protagonist, Arjuna, in the Bhagavad Gita found
himself at the spectacle of the divinity of His Lord, Krishna.
Yet I see you more as the theologians describe Lucifer, the pejorative
'Satan the ingrate Angel'. Separating yourself from the shadow of
'maternalistic divinity' of rhetorical dominance in a Newtonian opposite
reaction with as many as manifestations that were described in the
'Gita' of Arjuna's vision of Krishna.
You live as if you're a de facto demi-god who subconsciously, if not
consciously strikes out at all those reminders of the Maternal
Over-Goddess who's still living rent-free in your pushing the buttons to
your psyche's present motivation. Plus in disdain of any reminder of
those echoing reminders of that 'Maternal Overlord'
I am the ghostly verbal strawman you engage as an extension of the
Maternal Goddess in your head. I neither approve or disprove of what
your mother represents to YOU. But from my 2-Cent HOF Psychology Armchair,
I'd suggest that your angst is more the issue with your tactics for
liberation and fulfillment than what and whom you choose to charge into
verbal or other battle ala Don Quixote as he charged the fiends of his
age and times.
Having said this to you, I find that same question being beggingly asked by ME-n-I of myself!
I can say that much like Ulysses and Rip Van Winkle I was emotionally
estranged from myself and now 'come home' like Dorothy to my 'Self',
knowing that its call to me on that Saturday, Aug 15th 1970, was not
the neurotic consequence of a psychedelic inebriation, but a prophetic
truth whose scope was so profoundly far-reaching that I dismissed it in a
procrastinating denial and avoidance, until further soul
communiques-long distant from my self-inebriation- confirmed
prophetically what is now: those so wedded to the materialistic
fallacies of entitlement are in a neurotic anomie of the ages being
blamed for betraying and denying the 'happiness' that should be felt and
applauded universally by others for the ethos of your pursuit.
Unlike (I think) you, I have long literally and figuratively buried
the ethos and persons of BOTH the Maternal/Paternal demi-gods of my
younger, subordinate psyche in my early post-adolescent years, and, more
like Ulysses, was on an odyssey for which only the empirics of
logic and that leap of logic of 'Then a miracle occurs'
of my avatar's homage to 'serendipity' moved me past the social
realm-other than my trolling 'PSA's here-to an experience and destiny
that are, primarily, my sole imperative duty with the gracious plus
untimely symbiotic or synergistic intervention by unsolicited and
unmerited for others' or entities' mercies.
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