The funny thing that happened onmy way to princeliness

I was raised to be a liberal sectarian, secular, temporalists. But a funny thing happened on the way to being the next generation of materialist prince-serendipity and synchronicity.They pointed to an existence which preceded this present ego-life and its "options". The Option I had was to fulfill the logos of moral awareness.

Having a Moral awareness in being the logical, ethical consequence of the knowledge comprehended. I must admit that some "comprehension" was still clueless, but what was accepted as inviolable, became very vulnerable.Presently, I am proposing what you can read in the epilogue as the choice alternative from what the sectarians have missed and the secularists and the temporalist have dismissed. That is, the mystical per the grace of practice. That practice being the resonating synergy generated in our sympathies and empathies of compassion between us , others, and other physical and metaphysical entities. The practical application is in the epilogue, subsequent to these words.


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