the mystical passion tour

This monk of serendipity wil leave Omaha on 9/16 (Happy birthday, Jamie Greene (Nottingham '68). Will stop for the night somewhere e/o South Bend and w/o Ft. Wayne IN. Will arrive in Syracuse that evening of the 17th. will get w/ Jerry O and wife. If have the time will make it to the north-face of Thornden Park Hill to celebrate my arrival. Friday morning will go to Oakwood Cemetary to pay respects to Pop and Mom. then check out the two Bobs at Burnett & N. townsend St. May have some extra time for some more sight seeing before going to Braveheart that afternoon (330p) for lunch w/ 'Ham-folks of '68. That evening will be at Danzers for sandwich and dark beer.

Leave Saturday for B'more Md and cuz's kid's plae off Liberty Heights Ave. will check in w/DavidW1235 later before crashing. Sunday, will get up early and go to SE-DC to see other Cuz, Joel and tour the National Mall. That afternoon will go down to White Stone and across the Rappahannock River Bridge to heck out likely destination for relocation in 2010.

Monday roll towards Frankfort KY. have lunch on tuesday with the Greendog Democrat, Joe B. that evening will be in Madisonville for the Equinox "Drumming". Will roll p to Henderson KY to rash at the SugarCreek Inn. Head for Omaha the next day by taking US 41 to I-64--> I-57--->I-74--->I-80 across Iowa and back to So. O'.


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