
Showing posts from 2010

Visceral synergy and resonance

Having harmony would be good, also. but the former two are the basics. This synergy and resonance of attitude. We don't have to be involved in the minutiae of the others weeds. We just have a sense of the beneficence of their efforts. Even if just enabling, cheerleaders of morale support we provide a mental bond that radiates out to effect others proximal to our activity. I'm talking about a chain reaction of sympathy and empathy to the form of our intensity that creates the response of affinity to it. Like a root system, this network of consciousness grows in ways unforeseen by we originators. Yet, the growth becomes the basis of new conceptions of being and thought that can evolve for a better legacy, as well as some interesting 'occult' phenomena in our present. To the extent that we consciously seek to focus our intensity, we are conjuring, as a medium catalyst things equivalent to the admonishments about the OUIJA board. Unlike most fears of such, I see it as, at t...

Feeling beyond self-consciousness

Feeling for eachother-email and occasional meets' has been posted as> follows: (miscellaneous - Bugs,

Taste of my aestethetics

You sense it and know it. You can feel it in your bones and to the tingling ends of your nerves. Your mind cna barely describe it but your body tells you of the hunger, the need. It is the taste of your aesthetical desires. Your blood boils and stirs. Your flesh, body, and soul is enlivened and revitalized. It sweeps over you lustfully, but it's your radar seeing a more sublime possibility. With a grudging nod for love. There is room in this crypt of jadednes for the ray of light of one who inspires affection by her mere demonstrative presence. Feeling the joy of warmth of her words which say much more than their comprehended meaning, but are the expressio of caring, truthfulness, and earnest concern. She is the one for whom beauty is the inner virtue which crowns her image with a handsomeness that is stirringly irresistible for the heart and the mind. she is the one for whom thoughts linger and dwell in wistful remembrance. Her advent is the elation of the moment. Her caress is th...

In that moment of mutal recogntion of shred affection

Are you no more than a self-tittillation? Are the twinkle in the eyes and creases at the corners of the lips that reflect joy a delusion? But where are the words and will that would affirm those physical gestures and confirm these observations? I'm sure you know the excitement and the pleasure of the intimate caress and embrace, or the touch of the hand on another's or the universal pleasure of lips meeting and the taste of mouths joining in ardorous rapture. Is it for that spontaneity or is it a bait and switch for wanting a commitment built on an unknown and presumptive premise-any two "good" persons should have few reasons for NOT falling in love for ever and ever. We don't know about tomorrow, but we know about this minute.How this minute extends into tomorrow and the interminable future has as much to do with our past and the unpredictability of future events, than either of our bests intentions. The coincidence of our fortuitous meeting comes on the tail-win...

Affirmations of resonance

We are compelled to engage because of the irresistibility of knowing for one who is engaged beyond one's narrow interests. We do the choreography for the decorums of the sites we engage and interact. We begin to disrobe eachother's rhetorical facades and camouflage as we move like water flowing down hill to the ultimate confluence of passionate and intimate union. Until that point we do this dance from the adherence of the web of circumstances, that clings like Lilliputian lines to our thinking that is mindset to a emotional program for "why not", as our continued rhetorical intercourses give us visions of the possibilities in the face of the circumstantial improbabilities. In the possibilities, the anxiety of spontaneity is a greater factor than the feasibility of probability.