Visceral synergy and resonance

Having harmony would be good, also. but the former two are the basics. This synergy and resonance of attitude. We don't have to be involved in the minutiae of the others weeds. We just have a sense of the beneficence of their efforts. Even if just enabling, cheerleaders of morale support we provide a mental bond that radiates out to effect others proximal to our activity.

I'm talking about a chain reaction of sympathy and empathy to the form of our intensity that creates the response of affinity to it. Like a root system, this network of consciousness grows in ways unforeseen by we originators. Yet, the growth becomes the basis of new conceptions of being and thought that can evolve for a better legacy, as well as some interesting 'occult' phenomena in our present.

To the extent that we consciously seek to focus our intensity, we are conjuring, as a medium catalyst things equivalent to the admonishments about the OUIJA board. Unlike most fears of such, I see it as, at the least, rabbit-holes to other dimensions entry and participation in our world.

But first we must make our emotions free of the cobwebs of the distracting trivial and banal. so that we are sensitive and cognizant of these intangible forms that flirt from our subconscious.


Anonymous said…
Who are you?
OL'Dog Junya said…
An energy form, Just passing through Dodge'

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