Recent Social Observations-10/13/17

Elected official's quality is a direct reflection on the quality of their affirmative voters and supporters #Cassius’-#NotourStarsbut caveat.
Amorally, these random outbursts of violence is violence reflected back upon the victims of the tolerating politics of violence.. Even the #Abrahamic_Text had the patriarch not sacrificing his only begotten son for an abstraction, sight-unseen, but for 2ndAmend fears...

#shootings_n_violence 'Rationalist Center's absent Moral Authority' being the #moral_equivalent to the extremes. Congressional_Republicans prime examples of rationalizing equivocators giving justification to theirs and others self-righteous rationales -Nullification of rationalist rhetoric. But, Going_along_to_get_along-IS what plagues #WhiteAmerica, as they forsake the precious intangibles of spirit for this era's #trinketsnbeads.

Disseminated inspired, insightful thinking that provides individual vision goes and reaches farther than all the money in the world. When inspirational ideas that would precipitate intuitive action are lacking, then money (or weapons) become the tools for resolution. ‘My_Nation loyalty’ is the incestuous offspring of ‘My_family loyalty’.  We're here for #more_than_family_or_national_bonds of #provinciality.

Agony and Illusions of a sports fan-


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