the 'ZEN of Being'-II

I'm relating how that which I get aroused and satisfying stimulation for my bliss is an abstract neuro-mechanism of thoughts-surrogates to tangible drugs. My version is common to how others find 'their mental and emotional groove' in their thoughts.

The lack of the ability to have one's own narrative expression, from imposed denial or due to the inherent structure of one's cognitive field, creates a limitation to the native energy's manifestation that acts as a point of conscious or subconscious psychological stress. That stress will show itself in pathological self-abuse or the abuse towards external objects. Many times that abusive behavior is seen as a relieving bliss by its agent, though it is an offense to their body or to others. Yet that offense is the agent's bliss or "Zen".

I would conjecture that the sources of much of the offenses to oneself and to others are based on the "eruptions" at these psychological stress points. Anti-social or pathological behavior seen from an external societal standpoint is actually the animistic Nature within the energies of organic, cognizant beings asserting its transcendent prerogative to be over contrived fabrications. That prerogative is to be an interactive, autonomous agent for the animistic nature of its bio-chemistry, aka its genetics. The social paradigms and protocols are a weed-like derivation branch from the 'genesis energy source', that in its aggressive invasiveness seeks to crowd out all other forms of competing expressions to its state of being and defining narratives.

Much like a metastatic growth, this non-natural fabrication's affects on cognizance is a growth of different forms that engage the senses in distracting stimuli and the narrative patterns interpreted by the senses to that distracting stimuli. In this way, the democratization of stimuli from the overwhelming of the senses ability to process the in-coming quantity for which it wasn't designed, degrades and degenerates the processing tool for discerned decisions.

Importantly, this blurs the lines of priority for the necessary from the whimsically intriguing, thereby opening rabbit hole portals of relative equivocation of qualities to distinguish true necessities for the organism's healthy maintenance and sustenance. So I speculate that we exist in a soup of potentialities of ever-changing probabilities by the actions and appearances of different forms from a diversity of processes functioning on their own agenda of operation. Because of this state, 'things (aka, shit) happens',seemingly spontaneously. This spontaneity is its own fortuity for whatever place is its advent. We, also being living potential fortuitous-WITHIN THE DISCIPLINE OF OUR GENETIC SPECIFICATIONS-need only to act within the scope of our aware logos, than being, in a non-incidental way, another agenda's tool.

When we nurture the narrative of the discipline of our logos, we assist in the potential fortuities of procreation that come our way incidental to our 'nurturing the discipline'.

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