As an aggregator of the sensory triggers of a karmic consequence

As an aggregator of the sensory triggers of a karmic consequence

Consider me the sign of the vindication’s coming readjustments 
in my sphere of cognizance. When my own intent is not saddled 
with narrow, self-serving ends, I’m the telemetry appendage for 
either an inner agency or an external agency to administer its 
adjudication to the issues of the people of its ire.

People put themselves in a state of consciousness, that is so 
extreme and provocative, at the least-to my senses, that their 
‘provocativeness’ creates an imbalance in me that precipitates 
an adjusting reaction to that imbalance. This stems from my 
negative, emotional reactions to those provocations.

As I look back on the institutional and human sources of those 
provocative instances, and see what happened to those institutions 
and people soon after my physical and emotional detachment 
in repulsion from them; the pattern of my qualitative connection to 
them and their retributive demise becomes too frequent a relation for 
just coincidence.

Am I just a convenient and random conduit of telemetry for those 
retributive agencies, or am I that agency who has the powers of 
employing automatic, triggered responses to provocations without 
any conscious awareness of their employment? Have I aroused an 
inner mechanism which can respond to injustices, inequities, and 
imbalances from just my having an aggravated emotional angst 
against such manifested qualities? Is this power ubiquitous in us all, 
as I suspect?

Or is it unique to me by the circumstances of the time and placement 
of my birth in a discrete situation for this purpose. I was born during 
the  Year of the Tiger of the Chinese Calendar, and on the 
 Virgo cusp with Leo that has both major seasonal and historic changes
as well in the native lands of the Onondaga Iroquois Nation. Also I was 
born on Thursday (Thorsday ) in the late afternoon, circa 630pm.

All of these symbolically indicate that my date and place of birth  could 
have some paranormal meaning. Because I’ve embraced these 
paranormal meanings, I’ve influenced my subconscious to forge other 
related appendages to this branch of thinking. These combined 
appendages reached a critical mass that they have become a separate 
stream of consciousness with its own identity, import, and imperatives for 
a de facto, default allegiance upon me.

From other speculations I concluded that those streams of consciousness 
that not only provided a higher degree of visceral vitality for me, but also 
an affirmative phenomena for me, rose to a higher importance and priority 
for me to pursue for their vitality and affirmations-compared to other 
experiences of consciousness.

As such, have I been in a caste of potentiality that is transcendent to the 
mundane and temporal? Are others by their own stream of consciousness 
at least partially subject to the condition of the roles to which they associate 
in their stream of consciousness? What others do and believe has less to do 
with how I can determine who and what I can be and do, independent to 
the surroundings: the contemporary, cultural context of social roles.

My role may be within that lane of a ‘Tiger Year’, ‘Virgo-cusped’, 
‘Thor-dayed’, ‘early-Evening birthed’, for the astrological influences of 
Mercury  (which had its approximate conception in the period of 
November 24th ). In this lane with any of the derivations associated 
with the qualities of that lane would be my obligatory imperative of intellectual 
focus and emotional devotion. In being the aspiring character to those 
aesthetics I incidentally conjure the energies of those projected powers of 
rectification of the injustices, inequities, and imbalances of contemporary 
circumstances within my sensitivities. Without me having no more than a 
strong emotional reaction to what is being signaled to my senses, the powers 
of my ontological advent perform their in-born functions that are my 
underlying inherent nature and identity.

1- Onondaga History-According to oral tradition, The Great Peacemaker approached the Onondaga and other tribes to found the 
 Haudenosaunee.[2] The tradition tells that at the time the Seneca nation debated joining the Haudenosaunee 
based on the Great Peacemaker's teachings, a solar eclipse took place. The most likely eclipse to be 
recounted was in 1142AD, which was visible to the people in the land of the Seneca
2-Thor's day-Middle English thur(e)sday. Old English thursdæg. Old Norse thorsdagr "Thor's day"
Old English thunresdæg "thunder's day". Thor is the Norse god of thunder. He is represented as riding a chariot 
drawn by goats and wielding the hammer Miölnir. He is the defender of the Aesir, destined to kill and be killed 
by the Midgard Serpent.

3-Mercury. This planetary ruler symbolizes acceptance and intuition and also reflects on communication. 
Mercury is one of the seven classical planets that are visible to the naked eye. 

4-November 24th conception astrological symbol- Zodiac is Sagittarius: As a Sagittarius born on 
November 24th, you have a great sense of justice and morality but will also follow own impulses in matters 
of the heart. Whilst you don't let yourself influenced easily, your memory may let you down at times.
This coupled with the fact that you really want to see the best in people, may mean that at times you give 
too much of you to people who don't deserve it. Ruling planet, Jupiter, congruent with the ethos of the  
Thorsday birth-date. This celestial planet reveals balance and joyfulness and also highlights simplicity. 
Jupiter spends almost a year in every sign and takes almost twelve to circle the Sun. 

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