Escatics of Auto-Erotic Conjurings-ii
Escatics of Auto-Erotic Conjurings-ii [Giving up the social pretensions and vanities, other than those most efficiently and expediently, transactionally necessary] From the previous edition: “ Another aspect of the 'midbrain' serendipities occurred often under acute emotions-anger, great anxiety, deep emotions. Each of those three emotions have related begotten anecdotes which connected the affected and aroused mid-brain to near simultaneous events which occurred in proximity to those visceral responses. ” Even these effects are coincidentally tangential and apocryphal , if given an over-importance of social-humanistic application. All that is done as minimalistically necessary for our basic maintenance and sustenance-with altruistic consideration for others-will have such side-effects that serve the cognitive efficiency of the logistics of the ‘maintenance and sustenance’ of the individual and the proximal ...