Escatics of Auto-Erotic Conjurings


Escatics of Auto-Erotic Conjurings

Perhaps the ‘parthenogenetic immaculate conception’ 

is a reconnection with our lizard neural functions?

The ways we ‘cum-to’ that moment with our sex partners of ejaculatory excretion 

and then into the neural-physiological after effects provides us with a cognitive 

blue print of what erotic buttons are most effective in bringing us to that visceral 

agitation of excitement. That excitement of also our neural faculties is at such a 

frequency, comparable to an ECT Therapy that our cognitive channels are 

cleared-much like our plumbing pipes after a DRANO application. That clearing 

of those neural pipes allows us to have a conduit to intensely sentient 

alter-dimensions, and those dimensions could be our own subjective path to a 

recognition of our ultimate ‘cosmically divine’ bliss and the intensity necessary 

to achieve that state.

Since we won’t have conveniently on-call the sex partner to aid and facilitate us 

towards that ecstatic bliss, our auto-erotic experiences give us the knowledge for 

such an autonomous, self-liberating exercise. That democratically accessible goal 

allows all, no matter what their sentient-functional utility and social-economic 

status, to experience not only the ecstatic, post excretory-ejaculatory bliss, but 

the neural dimensions of people-places-and-times to intensely sentient and 

ultra-sensory realms not encountered in one’s incidental mundane conditions.

The portals to the baseline entry-level for these visceral and neural ecstatics are 

not necessarily compatible with whatever culturally provincial aesthetic, mores, 

and norms exist in your empirical or abstract background of social consensus. 

In fact, what we carnally must do for our maintenance and sustenance may have 

no direct or indirect correlation for the circumstances of your engagement in these 

erotic/auto-erotic portals. What you do and with whom you engage for your 

temporal and secular maintenance and sustenance, could be no factor and 

irrelevant to those partners or auto-erotic fetishes which initiate you into the 

visceral and neural ecstatics and the post-ecstatic dimensions of neural bliss 


The so-called ‘amoral’ ethics of ecstatic pursuits have nothing to do with the 

developed fore-brain ‘cultural’ pursuits that provide the contemporary material 

trappings.  Those trappings are the de facto-and now default-surrogate triggers 

to the bliss that our reptilian mid-brain still provides as the ‘dopamine standard’ 

for not only our visceral enjoyment and comfort, but, even more important, 

what could be the zeitgeist of our genetic, meta-procreative capabilities of 

artistic, manic, ecstatics.



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