Some of 'my more favorite things!'


Some more of 'my favorite things'!

Video version: 

#Zombie politics, as we know of their metaphorical endgame on #AMCTV

This year's Nov 3rd election is the crossing of the #RemagenBridgeontheRhine

The liberation and fall of #corporatefascism is for the '22/'24 cycles cc:

@RepRaulGrijalva @aoc @katieporteroc  @AyannaPressley  @JamaalBowmanNY 

#HouseNigga's-#FieldNigga's-#LiberationalNigga's: political correctness doesn't 

nullify that reality..

NSC.Advisor, O’Brien: 'Something close' to genocide in China's Xinjiang, 

says U.S. security adviser

Duhhh...No kidding. #NSCAdvisor O’Brien!

Dems deflecting the critiques on Hillary's arrogance of style as misogynistic debilitated 

doing the needed intervention w/her before and during the campaign that would've 

given her more humility about her status ala her c.v.. That Dem deflecting resistance=

evidence of 'fake news' by 2016 MAGAS who were primarily against an arrogant 

political class and by association their derived policies then and now

@DNCWarRoom @DNC


Just as a cat plays w/its caught prey, that's how I feel that Time has ALL OF US, in general,

 and my pretentious 50 year prognosis for myself. 

It's like Time is saying, "Not so fast, 'Speedy'! There're some hoops and hurdles ya gotta get by..." 

And like that prey captured by the cat's sadistic whimsy, I /WE could thrash around in our vain 

glorious sound and fury, but as Shakespeare said..

Let's say that 'Time' is some super-natural force. Maybe it IS pissed off with how we've dealt 

with what was its Eden-like playground. Or.. Time is some nihilistic rogue and WE, 

it's Frankenstein creation, were given the powers and license to do what we've done, 

purposely by it; but we haven't reached the full potential IT wants. So it's raising the stakes 

to see what happens and who-singular or plural-might rise up to provide some "game" 

for IT as its protagonist? 

Who's going to be or "What's" going to be the Heroic/anti-Heroic challenger, and by doing so 

have made the leap from captured to-be-toyed-with prey to formidable tester of the otherwise 

of the tormentor's super-ordinance??? 

Morbidity is for the body! The mind carries on in its wavelength, indefinitely as it augments 

and attaches to other compatible strings of resonance

Maybe my 50-year aspirations has something more to do with just seeing the other side 

of 100+ years


As far as bare-power and not as expectational supplicants seeking the "fox" to engage 

in a fiduciary relationship w/an otherwise treated 'chicken coop'. Would think that a 

'#LongMarch' approach of symbiosis/synergy w/those in sympathetic/affirmative 

agreement might be sought?


"Submit" and "Good" would seem to be contradictory conditions, since "submission" 

would not be necessary for a "good" person. Symbiosis, synergy, collaboration, 

cooperation would be the expected relations, unless you're talking about a pathology 

w/Black women. (???)


Whether they believe they can claim that they are the true apostles of Trumpism or perform 

a disingenuous Khrushchev denunciation of Trump, the US-version of the USSR autocrat, 

Stalin: neither will succeed, since the Trumps attached themselves to the GOP constituency 

better than a parasite, as they're the better replicators of the DNA-angst of that constituency 

who will reject ersatz versions while the bloodline exists

Ha! About 12-13 months too late to be credible for 'Jane/Joe Main-Street'. Craven wusses 

to their many stand-up gals/guys who take more chances speaking truth to petty economic 

principalities they're obliged for their work.. CC: #Sasse, #Cruz, #Collins, #Gardner, #Ernst

As in-->'Word!' from Sen. '3yr9mos Duck-n-Cover StandupGuy' NOT-Sasse


Having been there a while ago with other now-divorcee bachelors, one of whom had a pal 

in this town; I dropped in there to visit since I was passing through the area. 

There was a gal there. She wasn’t stunningly beautiful, but she did have a handsome face. 

She wasn’t stacked with a rack or a nice round ass, but she did have those soft curves that 

feel good when she leans into ya. Best of all, she had an endearing manner of engagement 

that had me relaxed and comfortable around her. 

We played ‘catch-up’ with each other, inquiring what we’d been doing since I was last in town. 

Neither of us had been doing anything interesting beyond surviving ‘Corona’. Yet we mined 

the depths of each of our memories and their emotions to envision ourselves there about 

where the other one spoke. There was a joy of relief and appreciation being around someone 

with whom you knew was listening and caring, not just hearing with an obliged ear.

Just as we were getting to that stage where ‘going to 2nd base seemed inevitable, 

we heard the sound of someone out in the back. The yards there had no fences so it was one 

open space from the back door or patio to the neighboring back door or patio of 

the neighbor behind you. That sounds were from one of the other gals I’d met on my last visit there. 

She was chaperoning her dog while it did its evening poop-unloading. We waved at her 

and opened the sliding patio door to say hello and talk to her. Having begun the engagement 

with her, we caught the attention of the other neighbors, who came out to give greetings 

and reacquaint themselves with me, asking about the guys who’d been with me during that last visit.

It was then I realized how close the people were and how small the town was. It was one 

of those towns where everyone seemed to know everyone. Out of curiosity, I asked 

how many people lived in the town. I was told the town, which was a bedroom community 

of a large metropolis, had around 300-to-400 folks who lived there-about the size of my 

junior high school. I understood the closeness and sense of community of this group 

who had known each other for a decade or more- raising kids, married, divorced, widowed or single..



I left my vehicle at a repair garage parking lot to catch a ride to an acquaintance’s place. 

Now it was time for me to get back to that lot before ‘Murphy’s Law’ happened to my SUV. 

The same guy was giving me a ride back. This time he was taking some shortcuts to avoid 

traffic and save time.

I didn’t realize how old these city neighborhoods were. The store fronts on the more 

narrow streets off the main thoroughfare were both worn-down but with an antique allure 

to them.  I felt the sense of the neighborhood and its residents seeing the activity of the people 

on the sidewalks and crossing the street, plus also the window dressings of the store fronts.

The turns made taking those short cuts made me think of Hansel and Gretel not finding 

their way and being lost. My guy drove on through residential neighborhoods and back 

onto retail streets as we wound our way through the community back to that 

garage parking lot, where my car would be, hopefully. It was getting dark and I wanted 

to get there before the garage closed up and closed the lot.



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