Animistic imperatives


Animistic imperatives

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Once outside a temporal, pedestrian perspective, the possibility of our existence NOT primarily being about  a humanistic, self-conscious aesthetic celebration gains credence. If the focus and application of human energy by their humanistically framed emotions were  translated to efficient logistical  support for non-conscious, somnolent and meditative states, the whole basis of our cognizant direction would be a “civilization” of cosmological, energy signal transmitters/receiver networks. 

Those networks would be more than local or regionally and geographically provincial. They would be rejoining the ‘animistic dynamic’, which is the astronomically pervasive reality. It’s presence is in all the forms of the sui generis manifestations of coming into being. That quality of nature of the advent(ure) of fractal elegance, innovating and improvising from what was/is to what could/can be. Those possibilities would be derived from our inner, “subjective” cognizance of the phenomenology experience of our non-conscious/meditative states. It’s by product would influence our conscious state to be more receptive to the intuitive signals we sense [in our ‘feelings’] from our environs.


That intuitive resonance we establish will have more relationship with our prospective predispositions of the abstractly feasible than the tangibly conventional. The reason being for this cognitive bias, is that  the ‘emotional bonds’ are based on performative symbiosis and synergy more than inequitable emotional dependencies of sentiments-particularly of former relations.

A stipulation from these assertions is that the individual would have the right and duty of “emancipation” for the sake of their awareness of and to those intuitive signals of resonance, even if in a normally considered custodial juvenile state with their blood progenitors or legal guardians. Family and other social associations would be coincidentally circumstantial and thus temporary and transitory-inherently entropic with any presumption of preordained or static social construction.

The individual conscious, much like any non-sentient ‘matter’, would be within the province and dominion of the engaged incidental forces with their property specifications of the moment. As this is occurring the energy of that engagement is transmitting signals of whatever frequency/amplitude radiating out across the dimensions for its own rendezvous of engagement to a predisposed “receptacle”. We are links in a chain reaction network of dimensional sets and subsets.  All these sets, when NOT IN DIVERGENT OR DIGRESSIVE dead-end subsets create the ‘Cosmic Consciousness’ that is the generator of the signals that match up-in optimal circumstances-with recipient-receptacles as the intuitive signals of that recipient’s predispositional preconditions.

That ‘consciousness’ is the animistic imperative that transcends the cul de sacs of temporal provincialisms, as the historical contentions in which it engages for its existential freedom from the temporality exoskeletons. Its dynamics of entropy and dystopia molts off the anachronistic forms restraining or restricting its expanding energy within the exoskeleton of that contemporality.

History could be described as narration of the intangible animistic becoming its own definer of its existence than as a dependent, contingent  variable of the tangible’s aesthetics.


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