Jumping-off Point: Irrational intuitivenss of the Soul


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 When looking at my life's meanderings, I see that those experiential rabbit-holes, to which my soul directed and led me, have been in retrospect a prescient force of preparation for me. Though my rational conscious wondered about the sense of or had recriminations against the impulses of my soul, what my soul did was give me a preparation of cognitive and manual skills I'd use later though they were just expedient, stop-gap, practical options in the moment.

I suggest that because the soul has access to undefined realms, which the conscious mind doesn't, the soul's access to those non-tangible formulations gives it 'insights' that are unknowingly inconceivable to the facilities of temporal, deductive rationality. 

The 'irrationality' of the soul is the presciently shrewd task master in its 'knowing' where, if not also 'when' my soul must have the primary super-ordinance over the rational, materially-oriented, temporal ego. That super-ordinance is for principles of attitude, than just passing and casual possessions of carnal lust: though carnal lust may signal the type of intensity desired. 

For the sake of the soul's intensity, which many times will have little-to-nothing to do with accumulated assets or material acquisition. It's ALL about the 'perspective of attitude'. That attitude will give you adventures-of-the-soul which will have you shaking your head in the near-term, but the long term will reveal the fortuitous prescience of going into that rabbit-hole.

If there is a lesson or a 'rational' deduction to this, it is that the unknown is the maternal Matriarch of our soul.


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