
Showing posts from 2019

Knocking on the door! - Classified Ad

Knocking on the door! - Classified Ad Beyond 3rd party association and onto 1st person empowerments

BIBLE of the PATHOS - Now $5.25 or Best Offer!

BIBLE of the PATHOS - Classified Ad

As an aggregator of the sensory triggers of a karmic consequence

As an aggregator of the sensory triggers of a karmic consequence Consider me the sign of the vindication’s coming readjustments  in my sphere of cognizance. When my own intent is not saddled  with narrow, self-serving ends, I’m the telemetry appendage for  either an inner agency or an external agency to administer its  adjudication to the issues of the people of its ire. People put themselves in a state of consciousness, that is so  extreme and provocative, at the least-to my senses, that their  ‘provocativeness’ creates an imbalance in me that precipitates  an adjusting reaction to that imbalance. This stems from my  negative, emotional reactions to those provocations. As I look back on the institutional and human sources of those  provocative instances, and see what happened to those institutions  and people soon after my physical and emotional detachment  in repulsion from them; the pattern of my quali...

the 'ZEN of Being'-II

I'm relating how that which I get aroused and satisfying stimulation for my bliss is an abstract neuro-mechanism of thoughts-surrogates to tangible drugs. My version is common to how others find 'their mental and emotional groove' in their thoughts. The lack of the ability to have one's own narrative expression, from imposed denial or due to the inherent structure of one's cognitive field, creates a limitation to the native energy's manifestation that acts as a point of conscious or subconscious psychological stress. That stress will show itself in pathological self-abuse or the abuse towards external objects. Many times that abusive behavior is seen as a relieving bliss by its agent, though it is an offense to their body or to others. Yet that offense is the agent's bliss or "Zen". I would conjecture that the sources of much of the offenses to oneself and to others are based on the "eruptions" at these psychological str...

the ZEN of being

                                                Epilogue-Foreword to this piece the ZEN of being Even with the zen-to-be, we exist in both a physical kinetic state and a psychological state  of a de facto, palliative-hospice condition. In that we would be in a co-medicated dependency of sentimentality with each other that serves as a stop-gap analgesic drug for a consensually tolerated personal and social abuse. That emotional analgesic provides a cognitive coping mechanism. Without that coping mechanism provided by the distractive aesthetics derived from those analgesics of sentimentality, we'd have no substantive substitute of meaning. Those surrogates  fill the void of our neutered self-empowerment. Without those surrogates, we would succ...

Are we the descendants of an exploded planet..??

Are we the descendants of an exploded planet.. (full texts->Files I & II)     =============== Your donations of appreciation for this work will be gratittudinously  accepted at this link