Transcendent Attitudes of Energy



Like a canine with its nose to the ground seeking the trail of a strong scent left behind, yet totally missing it.


It's our orientation of mind which does the facilitating for whatever supplemental kinetics may be needed. Ya don't have to 'head for the hills' as a recluse, though out in the hills you'd discover the symbiotic and synergistic interconnected orientation which "things" and 'critters' have developed as a synthesis of inherent incidental cooperation.

It's more being in the moment. A 'zen' where intangibly being an aide, even if not being a direct facilitator, establishes a more meaningful condition for the other. It's being invested in the holistic well-being that the moment presents. Even if that 'good deed' is punished by it being prostituted by the more mean-spirited. They who prostituted that good deed recognized the inherent potential of its goodness, though their comeuppance in retribution for its abuse may be a distant karmic schadenfreude away.       

               We're seeing those schadenfreude 'chickens coming home to roost' in the atmosphere's seasonal off-the-chain exhibitions, the extinction in species of fauna and flora. Geologically the Earth is responding to all three of those noted phenomena.

Transcendent energy is creating the atmospherics of both a transmissive and receptive energy that would spontaneously generate the fuel from the atmospherics excited by the enlivening of the possibilities you and other have precipitated in your joint collaborations-

The SUM IS GREATER THAN OUR INDIVIDUATED AND GRANULAR MICRO-CONTRIBUTIONS. That excitation has 'the magic' of the unexpected and the unplanned that enables the innovative, the improvisational from the liberated perspectives of those no longer bound by the past. 

The unique possibilities of the present become the conceptual inseminations being consummated in the intense passionate arousal to things of imperative and meaningful sensation.

We are, at our best, energy storage capacitors. Mobile logistic modules that can be  of a network of relays which literally and figuratively enlighten  the way by the knowledgeable insights about the common obstructive burdens of the moments we now share in vain with our noses and focuses in the dirt seeking that which kills us when we get it if not by the process of seeking it.


In line with the brain's mind leading the kinetics of the body, psychic telepathy. Only because physical body kinetics predominate for changing the features of one's environs is this considered an esoteric curiosity. Yet, the brain waves that not only wander, but are intensely focused, can be picked  up by others. Those others gain awareness of your brain transmissions from first hand observation. That observation enables the literally infectious nature of your presence to be invasive on them by  the intangible force of its kinetics. It can't be tactility sensed, though diagnostics might be able to detect its presence.

Involved interaction that's becomes continuously and incidentally purposefully possible familiarizes by the intensity or the extensiveness of the contact the dimensions of the level of frequency that's felt and given a coherent, understandable meaning.That meaning becomes  transmitted thoughts that can be picked up remotely, as well as non-verbally within each others presence. It's this aspect of transcendent energy which is the liberator from the temporal spatial time of our carnality into the metaphysical of projected thoughts to anywhere and anytime in the limitless Cosmos.


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