Escatics of Auto-Erotic Conjurings-ii
Escatics of Auto-Erotic Conjurings-ii
[Giving up the social pretensions and vanities,
other than those most efficiently and expediently,
transactionally necessary]
From the previous edition:
“Another aspect of the 'midbrain' serendipities occurred often under acute
emotions-anger, great anxiety, deep emotions. Each of those three emotions
have related begotten anecdotes which connected the affected and aroused
mid-brain to near simultaneous events which occurred in proximity to those
visceral responses.”
Even these effects are coincidentally tangential and apocryphal, if given an
over-importance of social-humanistic application. All that is done as
minimalistically necessary for our basic maintenance and sustenance-with
altruistic consideration for others-will have such side-effects that serve the
cognitive efficiency of the logistics of the ‘maintenance and sustenance’ of
the individual and the proximal group sets. There is a de facto social ethic
which could be inferentially defined from the efficiencies of the expedient
transnationalisms. Those effects are more anecdotal utopianisms of random,
individual results, than a more conscious informal or institutionally formal
It is our inherent, asymptotic proximity of similarity or congruence to the
ethos of a habitual disciplined regimen that produces the approximateness
with an underlying, nebulous, wavelength frequency that provides those
incidental benefits for ourselves by the coincidental proximity to that
nebulous, wavelength source.
Our “benefits” we introspectively become cognizant to some level of
coherent articulation are more our interlocution via our physiological
translation of the phenomena of the ‘nebulous effects’, and are
provincially chronological and spatially relevant for our provincial niche
than they are the universally applicable rules to be suggested to or imposed
on others. The rules are best applicable to the necessities of our own
logistical operations of sustenance and maintenance.
We provide the ‘nebulous holism’ the energy and the unique energy signals
of our transmissions that augment the reservoir of cloud data for
‘the holism’s’ ambiguous, nebulous, and amorphous-to us operational
existence and inscrutable being for its own sake.
Our coincidental benefits in their most optimal iterations allows for the
logistical operational facilitations via the worm-holes of serendipity and
its synchronicities that we tap into by our asymptotic juxtaposition to the
underlying ‘nebulous frequencies’ by our own channel clearing of the
temporal drama of the so-termed “social aspirations and their derived
vanities”. Whatever are those ‘benefits’, they are more narrowly functional
tools than the aesthetic trappings we’d consider them in terms of our own
vain aspirational, humanistic socializing.
They, the facilitating serendipities of our mechanical efforts, are humanistic,
as is our self-categorized, species-designation. They are not a paradigmatic
quality of universally desired designated, so-called humanistic ends, but
more an instrumentality of its time and locale utility.
As such, we-individually should acknowledge the grace of the fortuities for
the expediting facilitation derived from whatever is our habitual discipline
form that has aligned us close enough to be the beneficiaries affected by
the operational principles of the ‘nebulous phenomenology’. At the same
time, recognize that our fortunes came with an emotional adjustment that
allowed for that acute, high level of energy vitality which more than likely
and by unintended coincidence, tangentially crossed or asymptotically
approached a level of energy vitality which graced us by the magnanimous
magnitude of its proximal congruence with our energetic behaviors.
Mine has been a mix of synchronicities/serendipities. The more urgent the circumstances the more synchronistic. That would have me concluding that the level of visceral intensity moves the forces of probability to likely possibilities.